Clifton Cocktail Club

Advert details

Advert ID: 740
Displayed: 52
Added: 27 August 2024
Category: Services
Location: Bristol


Stepping into Clifton Cocktail Club is like discovering a hidden gem in the bustling city of Bristol. This stylish and intimate bar, located in Clifton, offers a curated selection of cocktails that blend classic techniques with modern twists. The “Bailey’s Espresso Martini” is a prime example, combining the rich flavours of Baileys with the boldness of espresso to create a drink that’s both indulgent and energising. The club’s attention to detail extends beyond the drinks, with a warm, inviting atmosphere that’s perfect for both casual gatherings and special occasions. With rave reviews and a location that’s easily accessible from Clifton Down station, Clifton Cocktail Club is the go-to spot for anyone seeking a sophisticated night out.


Phone Number:
0117 970 6589


Bristol, United Kingdom
Basement, 135 Whiteladies Rd, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2PL

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